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Speaking and monitoring of IP cameras

Two new IP cameras at the home of the home or office in the home of the office - Tech Technologies brings the country to the market. Both of the cameras can be used to monitor the ProLink PIC 3001 smart Wi-Fi camera in the 350-degree angle and turn it down to 120 degrees. It has 2-megapixel camera. The movement of anything under the camera can be found on the user's smartphone through the app.
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Because of Wi-Fi access, the network cable does not need to connect to the camera with this camera. In addition to the cloud, the NAS, MicroSD (up to 64GB), and even the mobile video can be stored in PIC 3001 IP Cameras. The mobile phone can be talked through the camera. That is to say, contact with others in addition to the job news on the mobile screen.

Camera price is 5 thousand 200 The PIC 3002 model of another IP camera capable of keeping up to 110 degrees on both sides is priced at Tk 3,800.

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