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How would we have used 100 percent of the brain!

The brain is very complicated. We've studied it for centuries, and we're still learning its secret mystery But a search of events can sometimes be fiction.

Human Brain
The brain size ratio is related to intelligence. Your brain is smaller than a whistle because your body is small. However, your brain is formed in a way that enables you to survive and succeed. But still, do you believe that humans only use 10% of their brains? Let's make it 100%
We've seen what really smart people can do. They inspire us through art, music, and literature;

They brought a strange change in the world of action; We have come up with many tools to make our lives easier, And they helped us to mobilize society to make us stronger - for good or for bad. You can be unlimited if you have the power to run your brain completely. So what should you do?

Human Brain
In fact, 10% of brain power is a mythological story; And perhaps it comes from a simple confusion. Your brain consists of 10% neurons and 90% of glue cells. Different types of neurons care for different functions of the brain, but in general, your neurons enable you to process and transmit information, when your glue cells surround your neurons, it provides support and insulation. And you know what?
All human brain has the same design. Like Albert Einstein, you

have many brain neurons. So how smart can you be?

Use your brain like a muscle. Get it excited! Try to do new things, take the challenge, and try to get enough rest! Maintain a healthy habit; That's your smart thing to do and, of course, it's unlimited!


• “Would Humans Be Smarter If We Had Bigger Brains?“. 2018. Forbes. Accessed November 12 2018.
• Jarrett, Christian, Christian Jarrett, Megan Molteni, Matt Simon, Erica Klarreich, Matt Simon, Megan Molteni, and Rhett Allain. 2018. “All You Need To Know About The 10 Percent Brain Myth, In 60 Seconds“. WIRED. Accessed November 12 2018.
• “What Will Happen If We Could Use 100% Of Our Brain? 2018. Getsetflyscience. Accessed November 12 2018.
• “History Of Neurology And Neurosurgery“. 2018. en.wikipedia.org. Accessed November 12 2018.
• “Neuron“. 2018. en.wikipedia.org. Accessed November 12 2018.
• “Our Brains Are Made Of The Same Stuff, Despite DNA Differences“. 2015. National Institutes Of Health (NIH). Accessed November 12 2018.

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